Aaron Valuation Inc. consists of Amanda Aaron MAI, CRE, a team of staff appraisers and a support staff. Aaron Valuation’s staff includes several appraisers with the MAI designation from the Appraisal Institute, four New York State Approved Supervisory appraisers and four New York State Certified General appraisers.
Known for careful attention to detail and client service, Aaron appraisal reports are crafted to address the needs of each valuation problem.
All appraisal work conforms to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and the Code of Professional Ethics of the Appraisal Institute. Work for lenders conforms to FIRREA and the 2010 Interagency Appraisal and Evaluation Guidelines for Federally Related Transactions.
Aaron Valuation is a Certified Woman-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE) by the City of New York, the State of New York, the New York City School Construction Authority and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
Professional Affiliations
MAI Designated Member of the Appraisal Institute
Counselor of Real Estate (CRE)
Metro New York Chapter, Appraisal Institute – Director and Former Chapter President
New York State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser #46-49784
New York State Approved Supervisory Appraiser
New York State Course Instructor and Appraisal Institute Course Instructor
Course Instructor
Fundamentals of Appraising Affordable Housing (Appraisal Institute)
Business Practices and Ethics (Appraisal Institute)
General Appraisal Sales Comparison Approach (Appraisal Institute)
Using the HP12C Calculator (Metro New York Chapter, Appraisal Institute)

Amanda Aaron has appraised commercial real estate since 1998 and has been the President and CEO of Aaron Valuation, Inc. since 2010. Aaron Valuation provides the full range of real estate valuation services for properties in the New York City metropolitan area. Clients of Aaron Valuation include lending institutions as well as attorneys, CPAs, property owners and developers.
Commercial property experience includes valuation of apartment buildings, condominiums and cooperative buildings, retail properties, industrial buildings, mixed-use properties, affordable housing, office buildings, hotels, senior housing facilities, proposed construction and vacant land. Competencies include market analysis and feasibility determination, property tax analysis, cash equivalency valuation of favorable financing terms and LIHTC valuation for affordable housing developments, ground-lease valuation and fractional interest valuation.
Amanda Aaron has served as either a party-appointed appraiser, a City-appointed appraiser or a neutral appraiser in approximately 45 appraisal matters for litigation, arbitration, condemnation, bankruptcy, divorce and tax certiorari purposes. Clients in legal matters have included the City of New York, landlords, tenants, developers, estates, and lenders. The subject properties of these matters have included improved and vacant land, retail stores, office buildings, community facilities, rental and cooperative apartment properties, and parking garages. In these matters, Ms. Aaron has concluded to both fair market rental values for lease rent resets and overall property value.
Ms. Aaron has been qualified as an expert witness by Kings County Civil Court, Kings County Supreme Court, U. S. Bankruptcy Court, State of Vermont Superior Court and the 17th Judicial Circuit Court in Broward County, Florida.
Ms. Aaron was the 2020 President of the New York Metropolitan Chapter of the Appraisal Institute and served on the Board of Directors between 2013 and the present as member at large, Education Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, 1st Vice President and Regional Representative.
Ms. Aaron is a designated Counselor of Real Estate (CRE). Ms. Aaron supervises both experienced and junior appraisers, performs peer appraisal review for a range of properties and regularly teaches courses for the New York Metropolitan Chapter of the Appraisal Institute.